chiropratic therapy

Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on the neuro-musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors practice a manual approach. Doctors of Chiropractic are specifically trained to detect and correct problems in the spine, often before the patient is even aware they exist.

What is Wellness Chiropractic?

More often than not, when we tell someone that we are a chiropractic office, they immediately associate our vocation with neck and/or back pain. What many do not realize, however, is that chiropractic is a health care modality that provides significantly more than just a solution for pain.

Chiropractic is a lifestyle that involves all aspects of wellness, including exercise, nutrition, personal development, and stress relief. We have been fortunate to work with people from all walks of life (including newborns, children, and adolescents) and the outcome has been miraculous.

Speciality Pilates Equipment

We use a mix of specialised equipment including Pilates reformers, trapeze tables, fit balls, foam rollers and more. This equipment is designed specifically for clinical Pilates, promoting correct technique, appropriate resistance levels, and targeted exercises so you can really work your key areas and see results.

Our instructors also spend extra time teaching key muscle contraction techniques, which enables you to get more out of every Pilates workout session.

Process of Treatment

The proper way to stand with your head up, shoulders straight, chest forward, hips tucked in, and your weight balanced evenly on both feet. The proper way to sit with your hips and knees at a right angle (use a footrest or stool if necessary). Your legs should not be crossed and your feet should be flat on the floor. The proper way to lift a heavy object. Keep your back straight and bend at the knees rather than at the waist.

Proper lifting techniques.
Good posture during sitting, standing, moving and sleeping.
Regular exercise with stretching and strengthening.
An ergonomic work area.
Good nutrition, healthy weight, lean body mass.
Stress management and relaxation techniques.
No smoking.

If you think you’ve hurt your back, ease up on the pressure you’re putting on your back. Ice, then heat Remember this rule: “Ice first for 48 hours, then heat.” Ice and heat can alleviate local pain that comes from muscle and ligament strain. If you have a willing companion, a gentle massage may provide some relief by stretching tight muscles and ligaments. Don’t stop moving, studies maintain that limited movement of muscles and joints is more effective for treating simple back pain than passive methods such as rest and drugs.

Neck pain results when the spine is stressed by injury, disease, wear, and tear, or poor body mechanics. Acute neck pain is abrupt, intense pain that can radiate to the head, shoulders, arms, or hands. It typically subsides within days or weeks with rest, physical therapy and other self-care measures. You play an important role in the prevention, treatment and recovery process of neck pain. However, if chronic, the pain will persist despite treatment and need further evaluation.

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