
Your personal physical therapy begins with a comprehensive evaluation of functional limitations and areas of pain. Our team of expert physical therapists will design a treatment plan based on your work-related needs and goals.

We take a team approach and will consult with your employer and case manager, if necessary. Throughout your treatment, we will work hard to help you return to all normal functional activities.

When you are ready for your discharge, you will receive a personalized home exercise program to allow you to stay healthy on the job, further enhance your rehabilitation.

Our Services Included All Types and Sizes

We take a team approach and will consult with your employer and case manager, if necessary. Throughout your treatment, we will work hard to help you return to all normal functional activities. When you are ready for discharge, you will receive a personalized home exercise program to allow you to stay healthy.

Our experienced team of physiotherapists will perform a comprehensive assessment, including postural and biomechanical assessments, to diagnose your problem.

Process of Treatment

The proper way to stand with your head up, shoulders straight, chest forward, hips tucked in, and your weight balanced evenly on both feet. The proper way to sit with your hips and knees at a right angle (use a footrest or stool if necessary). Your legs should not be crossed and your feet should be flat on the floor. The proper way to lift a heavy object. Keep your back straight and bend at the knees rather than at the waist.

Proper lifting techniques.
Good posture during sitting, standing, moving and sleeping.
Regular exercise with stretching and strengthening.
An ergonomic work area.
Good nutrition, healthy weight, lean body mass.
Stress management and relaxation techniques.
No smoking.

If you think you’ve hurt your back, ease up on the pressure you’re putting on your back. Ice, then heat Remember this rule: “Ice first for 48 hours, then heat.” Ice and heat can alleviate local pain that comes from muscle and ligament strain. If you have a willing companion, a gentle massage may provide some relief by stretching tight muscles and ligaments. Don’t stop moving, studies maintain that limited movement of muscles and joints is more effective for treating simple back pain than passive methods such as rest and drugs.

Neck pain results when the spine is stressed by injury, disease, wear, and tear, or poor body mechanics. Acute neck pain is abrupt, intense pain that can radiate to the head, shoulders, arms, or hands. It typically subsides within days or weeks with rest, physical therapy and other self-care measures. You play an important role in the prevention, treatment and recovery process of neck pain. However, if chronic, the pain will persist despite treatment and need further evaluation.

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